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Hi, So glad you took the time to read my news page! I have just found out that my publisher is featuring some of my poetry in an upcoming Anthology. It will be entitled "Eternal Photographs" Look for it to be on the market soon, sorry I don't have the release date as of yet. I will post it A.S.A.P. Also, with the New Year, I have the good news that my children's series will begin publication. I will keep you posted on the titles and release date. Thanks so much for you interest..... it is greatly appreciated. Gods Blessings, Judith Johnson Kypta

 About The Author:

Welcome, Residing in Pennsylvania with my Husband Ron, After raising our Children and watching our Grand Children reaching adulthood ....now gives me more time to devote to our Lord ... writing the poetry I believe he places in my heart. I am displaying "Inspirational Poetry"....not fancy...nor hard to read or understand...just plain words...with a message. I began writing poetry from a very early age. Some of my work has been published in Anthology's, Local News Papers, and Magazines. The "International Society Of Poets" presented me with an "Editors Choice " Award in 1999 and again, in May 2004. I currently have (3) Inspirational Poetic manuscripts being prepared for submission to Publishers. My poetry will be included in a new Anthology "Eternal Photographs" released in 2005. I also have a Children's Book Series to be published in the very near future. The teenage girl's Christian magazine "The Vine" also publishes my poetry, each month. Currently I devote some time to writing poems for the "Terminally Ill Children" who live all over the world. The poems I write are placed on a "Virtual Quilt" made by graphic Artists..."Quilts Of Love" is a wonderful, on line Foundation, dedicated to making less fortunate children happy. With the flow of the times we live in.... Terroristic threats,Wars, Crime, etc., I wanted to share my views through the verses I will share with you. Some deal with everyday issues, people, etc. I would be so grateful if my verses might lead a soul on finding his way to the "Lord." We all, at one time or another turn to our "Supreme Being" for comfort. I hope my writings will give "Food For Thought." I am hoping my poetic messages enlighten, as I try to express my understanding of "Christianity." I hope you enjoy what I have chosen to display. Thank You, and God Bless!

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